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Double celebration for Brantford Garden Club
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The year 2022 brings a double celebration for the Brantford Garden Club. Nationally, this has been declared the Year of the Garden. Locally, the club, also known as the Brantford Horticultural Society, is celebrating its 170th Anniversary. The club, formed in 1852, has been confirmed as the oldest horticultural club in Ontario. Both events have been recognized by the City of Brantford in this year’s floral display in Lorne Park.
Over the years, the club has contributed to the beautification of Brantford. In 1977 the organization donated funds to build the fountain at the former city hall.
The garden club also created a sensory fragrant garden at W. Ross Macdonald School, and planted trees at both the Bell Homestead and former tourist centre. Another involvement was the Waterwise Garden project which demonstrated how gardens can be maintained with only natural rainfall.
Most recently the local gardeners have developed a new plot at the Stedman Hospice providing vegetables for the hospice kitchen and cut flowers to bring cheer to residents. This garden was the club’s anniversary project.
As part of the Year of the Garden observance, the Canadian Garden Council recommended that all horticultural groups select a local garden hero. The Brantford Garden Club has chosen Bev Hutton, a member for 49 years and club secretary and record keeper for more than 30 years. She has worked on numerous committees over the years and continues to serve behind the scenes to keep the club informed and moving forward.
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Men’s Probus Club of Brantford
Jacqueline Cori, of Partners With Paws was the keynote speaker at the Men’s Probus Club of Brantford meeting of July 14, presided over by President John Hogewoning.
Jacqueline, a long time fundraiser for National Service Dogs, explained she was diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and depression, which stemmed from childhood issues. With her experiences and knowledge about service dogs, it wasn’t surprising that she chose to go the route for this particular kind of support.
Considering she could not find a charity that would supply her with a dog and as a result of her 17 years of experience with service dogs, she opted to owner-train her service dog, a yellow Lab from Cooperslane and certified by trainer Wade Beattie of Canine Support Service.
It was through this journey and connections she realized a great gap in availability of mental health and psychiatric service dogs and decided to fill this gap by founding Parents with Paws. She drew the audience’s attention relating her personal experiences and displaying the acute talents of her service dog.
Jacqueline was introduced by Bob Anguish and thanked by President John Hogewoning.
Probian Graham Malcolm related a speech made by Dubai, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktourm quoting, in part, “Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times, a philosophical bent on what goes around comes around”.
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Our 50/50ticket sellers were Bob Perkins and Russ Pollard.
Wayne Millward was inducted, as our newest member, sponsored by Art Meens.
The car tour organized by Art Meens into Norfolk County was enjoyed by 20 members and their co-pilots. The event included a tour of the Delhi Tobacco Museum and a picnic lunch in the adjoining park. The tour concluded at the Smoke & Gamble Winery. Art also reminded members to sign up for the upcoming Summer BBQ on July 21 at the Pinegrove Community Centre.
This month’s Who Am I presentation was made by long standing member, Bob Ion, who brought us up to date on his past and current family history and career with the Expositor. A big part of Bob’s job in the press room, aside from setting up, was learning to read with the letters backwards readied for the press. Being retired, Bob stated he finds himself almost busier now than when he was working.
Next club meeting date, Thursday, August 11, 10 a.m. at the Best Western Hotel and Convention Centre, 19 Holiday Dr., Brantford.